This classic basket is a sweet and simple way to offer your condolences. Lavender, pink and purple blooms are arranged in a round handled basket to create a gift that expresses your wishes for sympathy and peace.
This classic basket is a sweet and simple way to offer your condolences. Blue delphinium and white blooms are arranged in a round handled basket to create a gift that expresses your wishes for...
Our half casket cover, crafted with lavender, pink and white assorted seasonal flowers accented with greenery and s satin ribbon,is an unforgettable way to commemorate a lifetime of loving...
Our elegant floor basket, features roses, mums, carnations and daisies accented with seasonal greenery, a tasteful gesture perfectly suited for the funeral home or memorial services.
One sided...
Brighten up someone's day with this beautiful bunch of tulips! This bouquet will be sure to bring the promise of happiness indoors for you or a loved one.
*Colors will vary depending on...