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An arrangement of white roses, purple lisianthus arranged in a purple cube vase.


We’ve captured the beauty of winter in our bouquet. White roses, contrasted with beautiful purple lisianthus, statice and scabiosas in a crystal purple cube vase. * Measures: 11" H x 10" W
Tulip Treasure

Tulip Treasure

A rainbow of beauty for any occasion. Colorful tulips, pink roses, hydrangeas and mums positively pop in this bright bouquet. *TULIPS COLORS MAY VARY DUE TO OUR AVAILABILITY*
Amelia | Bouquet

Amelia | Bouquet

Premium Yellow roses and sunflower accented with baby's breath. Choose your favorite paper wrapping color!
An arrangement of red and white tulips in a white countertop.

Holiday Tulips

Our festive tulips are sure to bring a smile to anyone who receives it! This beautiful arrangement features red and white tulips, all nestled amongst a bed of lush Christmas greens in a red crsytal vase.