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A bouquet of red, pink and hot pink roses wrapped in a pink paper, displayed in a white luxury car.

Butterfly Kiss

Soft and sweet, this shades of red and pink roses bouquet honors the beauty of true love. 2 Dozens of premium long stemmed roses carefully designed with our signature paper wrapping and gold butterflies. *Pink Roses tones may vary due to our availability...
A bouquet of pink roses and red cherries with pale pink korean paper wrapping in a car.

Cherry Blossom Dream

A sweet bouquet of 2 dozens of beautiful premium pink roses accented with faux cherries and Korean style paper wrapping for a unique look. *Pink roses tone may vary due to our availability.  
A bouquet of pink and red roses bouquet with pink paper hold by a lady against of a pink backdrop.

Love in Bloom Roses Bouquet

$134.99 - $234.99
An elegant bouquet of beautiful premium red and pink roses in a paper wrapping presentation.  *Pink Roses tones may vary due to our availability. 2 Sizes Available: Small 2 Dozens Roses / Large: 50 Roses.